Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Originally uploaded by RNSaffold

I don't know about you guys, but I totally missed the boat on the TV series Supernatural. I am currently halfway
through the first season and the fourth is airing. Lemme just say, this show is pretty awesome. If pulp comics,
ghost stories, and classic rock all got together and had a baby (Nancy Drew carrying it of course) you would get
this show. If you've never heard of it, you should probably check it out.

8" x 10" Adobe Illustrator CS2.


Manda Tarr said...

OMG You got Sam right on!
Great Piece, Great show!
I have the other seasons if you ever want to borrow them :)
(but not 4 because it's not on dvd yet)

RNS said...

I'm so glad someone else watches it! I may have to borrow them because we're almost done with the first season. We're addicted!

Illustrations and more! http://www.rnsportfolio.blogspot.com