Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Your Princess Is In Another Castle

Your Princess Is In Another Castle
Originally uploaded by RNSaffold

A piece for an upcoming show about games, any and all. Growing up as an only child we didn't have all that
fancy "family game night" so if I wasn't reading I was playing Mario Brothers. No one had to teach me how to
play. No one had to explain anything. When you're a kid you just understood you had to save the princess. It's
not until your older that you realize that Mario is a plumber, and your chomping on mushrooms and squashing
turtles. I don't know if that takes any of that childhood magic away. I always thought the enemies were cool
looking, even it took a while to realize what they were.

Adobe Illustrator CS2.


Anonymous said...

I like this. I like the way my eye moves around the piece, but doesn't lose any part. Well done!

Anonymous said...
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