Thursday, February 12, 2009

Geek Fight, Ho!

Yay! I'm so glad I can finally talk about this. A freelance job I had last year has now been released. I did art for
one of the cards in the Geek Fight: AVGN vs. Nostalgia Critic.

Now, if you have no clue who these two guys are, don't worry, simply visit their websites and watch some of
their fantastic videos. James, the Angry Video Game Nerd can be found at his website here. Doug and his
website is over at That Guy With The Glasses. The card game is the creation of a group of fantastic guys over
at Driving Dragon Games. It is based on recent internet feud where the Nostalgia Critic and the AVGN
had a major showdown. There was a poster contest related to the video which I entered and from there
I had the opportunity to take part in this amazing project!

Here is a promotional video from AVGN promoting the card game.

A quick link to purchase these fine cards can be found here.

And here's the full art:


Please, if you are interested in supporting an indie trading card company, online artists, or the AVGN and
Nostalgia Critic PLEASE take a look at all the cards and perhaps purchase some for yourself. A talented group
of people made this possible and the combined quality of the art and the final product made this freelance
job worth every moment.



Charon said...

Hey, it's Kalan "Charon" Vazquez from Diving Dragon Games. We love the Hamsterjelly (it is strangely cute...). We think you should submit it to the T-Shirt contest going on at since :

A) They need a Hamsterjelly shirt and
B) It kicks ass.

RNS said...

Thanks, I think I will be submitting a design :3

Illustrations and more!